quinta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2025

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King – The Logic:al Mastertape [Mixtape]

Original de Los Angeles, na Califórnia, King é produtor, beatmaker, MC e vocalista. Seu principal objetivo é continuar a tradição do Hip Hop “true-school” enquanto introduz progressão musical para o gênero que é caracteristicamente cheio de alma e com um som gratificante. Mesmo quando está produzindo outros gêneros musicais, King sempre procura utilizar elementos do Hip Hop como sua marca registrada.

Desde Setembro de 2012, King lançou duas beat tapes: “The Logical heat-tape (signet 1)“, que ganhou certa popularidade dentro dos primeiros quatro meses. O projeto foi seguido por “The Logic:al Master-tape (signet 2.0)“, que alcançou a mesma popularidade dentro de um período de tempo menor. O artista cria seus beats com o programa Logic 9, que foi a razão da palavra ser usada como título das mixtapes.

Acesse o site oficial do King e curta a sua página no Facebook. Aproveite também para baixar a última mixtape através do Download.

KING is a Hiphop producer/beat maker, emcee, and vocalist.

Originally from Los Angeles CA, KING mainly focuses on beat making and production. KING’s musical goal is to continue the tradition of the “true-school” Hiphop sound while introducing musical progressiveness to the genre that is characteristically soulful and sonically satisfying. Even when producing other genres of music, KING aims to keep an element of Hiphop in his musical approach as a trademark. KING’s sound can be described as harmonic instrumentation on top of hard-hitting, chopped, and reconstructed break beats.

Since September of 2012, KING has released two beat tapes: The Logical heat-tape (signet 1), which gained great popularity within the first four months. This project was followed by The Logic:al Master-Tape (signet 2.0) which achieved the same amount of popularity within a shorter amount of time, and the numbers are still climbing. KING creates his beats in Logic 9, which is the reason the word “logical” is utilized in the title of his beat projects.

KING has played at premier events such as Low End Theory, Urban Underground, Anti-Pop, and Blank Tuesday. KING has also played popular Los Angeles venues such as The Airliner, Grand Star Jazz Club, and The Terrace. He has shared the stage with well known acts such as KRS ONE, Nocando, Samiyam, RAS G, The Gaslamp Killer, Daddy Kev, D Styles, and DJ Nobody just to name a few.

“KING’s production is on the level, … just as good as like a ‘Flying Lotus’ or ‘Hudson Mohawk’…” ~Pigeon John

KING’s music can be found at: www.kingishiphop.com.
Connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/king.is.hiphop?ref=hl


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